The Full English Show, English Constitution
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The Full English Show is about England, English Independence, English Self Determination and the fact we are a captive nation of the British, a colony, the last significant colony of British Colonialism.

The English Constitution and where America got her Constitution from.

If you always thought Britain was England, your in for an education. The British are a supranational state no different from the USSR, EU, Yugoslavia. GB is an Island containing two Countries and a principality.
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Live Streamed on September 13, 2024 3:01 PM ET
Day 12 of Fast - Henry Hunt (Peterloo) vs Tommy Robinson - SIX ACTS, Agitators History repeating

You'll all know people are going to London for the Tommy Robinson rally. But be careful. It is my opinion that London is a trap. London is lost. The Courts, Judges, police and system are communist. At Peterloo Henry Hunt was an orator and radical (not so radical by todays standards, he wanted parliamentary reform and the vote for working class people). They put agitators into the crowd - they were constables working for the magistrates (crown). Does that sound familiar. Sir Robert Peel stated that those constables should have been tried for inciting riot and prosecuted (he also mentioned treason as it was unconstitutional).

The main speaker at the Peterloo Massacre in 1819 was Henry Hunt, a prominent political reformer and radical orator:
Who he was: Hunt was a leading political reformer and orator from Wiltshire.
What he spoke about: Hunt spoke about parliamentary reform at the meeting.
What happened: Hunt was arrested by the Manchester magistrates after he began speaking, and the crowd was dispersed by soldiers. The chaos that followed led to the deaths of 10 to 20 people and the injuries of over 400.
What happened to him after: Hunt was imprisoned in New Bailey prison in Manchester, and then tried in York in March 1820. He was sentenced to two years in prison, and served his sentence in Ilchester

What was the effect? The Six Acts -

The six acts were:

The Training Prevention Act, now known as the Unlawful Drilling Act 1819 (60 Geo. 3 & 1 Geo. 4. c. 1), made any person attending a meeting for the purpose of receiving training or drill in weapons liable to arrest and transportation. More simply stated, military training of any sort was to be conducted only by municipal bodies and above.

The Seizure of Arms Act (60 Geo. 3 & 1 Geo. 4. c. 2) gave local magistrates the powers, within the disturbed counties, to search any private property for weapons and seize them and arrest the owners.[6]

The Misdemeanours Act (60 Geo. 3 & 1 Geo. 4. c. 4) attempted to increase the speed of the administration of justice by reducing the opportunities for bail and allowing for speedier court processing.

The Seditious Meetings Act (60 Geo. 3 & 1 Geo. 4. c. 6) required the permission of a sheriff or magistrate in order to convene any public meeting of more than 50 people if the subject of that meeting was concerned with "church or state" matters. Additional people could not attend such meetings unless they were inhabitants of the parish.

The Blasphemous and Seditious Libels Act (or Criminal Libel Act) (60 Geo. 3 & 1 Geo. 4. c. 8),[7] toughened the existing laws to provide for more punitive sentences for the authors of such writings. The maximum sentence was increased to fourteen years' transportation.

The Newspaper and Stamp Duties Act (60 Geo. 3 & 1 Geo. 4. c. 9) extended and increased taxes to cover those publications which had escaped duty by publishing opinion and not news. Publishers were also required to post a bond for their behaviour.

In other words parliament simply enacted laws stopping you from protesting. They are planning it again.

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Watch and share this video, more to come. We are far further down the path of complete removal as a nation than America.

Daily Sceptic Article by Dr Will Jones. Andrew Bridgen. Dearne South and North.

People please give a big shout out to Maxine and Janus for standing.
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NotMyKing and the True Story of Thomas Pellow.

#NotMyKing and the True Story of Thomas Pellow. Our great nation of England and the British Isles was once under constant fear and attack. Our people enslaved and castrated. Cornwall was decimated by slavers. Yet the #NotMyKing seems not to know the story of Cornwall. Instead he and his servants pretend that none of this happened and is happening again.

The Duchy of Cornwall for how many years? You must know of the story about Thomas Pellow. You ignore the plight of our people at your own risk! @RoyalFamily


Join us at Runnymede JFK Memorial in Surrey as we celebrate the birthplace of liberty and freedom - England! From the Magna Carta to the common law of England, our country has been a beacon of liberty and justice for centuries. And on this special occasion, we're proud to celebrate the man who fought for these principles - Granville Sharpe.

Granville Sharpe was a passionate advocate of the abolition of slavery and the rights of the individual. He was a pioneer of human rights in England and played a major role in shaping the English common law we have today. His tireless efforts paved the way for the freedoms we enjoy today.

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We also remember the brave working-class souls of Peterloo ...

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